Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The effect of LSD on developing brains
I understand that we are discussing biological changes within the brain, however I believe there are several mitigators that may have had, or may continue to have, a significant bearing on the outcome of all such research studies.
Historically, those born in the years leading up to the Great Depression and on through until the start of World War II, may have been influenced by the Depression and the huge shift in thinking. Parents of these children may have had a hard time providing for the family so most of the children might have had to quit school and go to work, as every dime could be the difference between going to bed hungry or satisfied. Therefore, children born between roughly 1920 to 1938 were encouraged to work. Only the select few were given the opportunity to go to high school, let alone college.
After WWII, the country was in high spirits and the children of these parents, those born between, say, 1938 to 1950, were then encouraged to "get an education" and "make something of yourself".
Hahaha. But then Rock and Roll came into the picture and "corrupted our youth". (Just kidding. But our parents thought for sure it was the truth.)
The Babyboomers, those born between 1946 and 1966 sort of just threw the rule book away. In 1967, the oldest of those babyboomers was 21. In the early sixties, the popular youth culture became a massive counter-culture. They originated the term "generation gap" and sang songs "t-t-talking 'bout my g-generation".
In 1967, a psychologist named Timothy Leary urged this huge youth counterculture to "Turn on, Tune in, and Drop out." Yes. He advocated the use of LSD and other "psychedelic" drugs to "...go within to activate your neural and genetic equipment... Become sensitive to the... various levels of consciousness and the specific triggers that engage them. [sic]" (Flashback, Leary, 1983)
So mostly the babyboomers took drugs and danced to the "devil's music". They marched for civil rights or women's lib, or they joined in a thousand protests of the war in Viet Nam. They had a lot of sit-ins, and one "Human-Be-in". And of course there was Woodstock.
So, the adults in the study may have dropped out of school for purely economic reasons (as my parents and some of their friends did) or they were just too stoned to go to school, or to pay attention if they did go to school, like my older brother and his friends. Maybe all those drugs affected their brains. (Naw... Do you think???)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Three Classes, One Blog
I want this blog to address the stories of our aging society, whether they be middle-aged or senior citizens. I also want this blog to serve two purposes. Three, if I can manage.
I am taking this class in Digital Storytelling and I am taking a Creative Arts Therapy class as well. So, what I'm going to try to do is have my target sector write the blog for me. We may use artwork, and/or photos, and memories from and by our senior citizens to tell a story, and, at the same time, I will be helping them to use this forum as a therapeutic springboard into the next stage of their lives.
Two birds, one stone, sort of thing... I'm not trying to be lazy here, but I'm trying to "work smarter, not harder". Maybe it's in my biological makeup to over-complicate things. I can just hear my friend Lenny saying, "Why does everything have to mean something?" lol.
Well, to me it does. What I do here has to matter.
I'm just not sure how I can go about this exactly: I want to make a great blog and a useful therapy. So, as I said earlier, I need you to bear with me while I figure out how this thing is going to work.
I'm also taking an Adult Development course. Hmmm....
Sunday, September 11, 2011
My personal National Day of Mourning
Friday, September 9, 2011
Technology as tool
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Aging of the Baby Boomers
In 1925 T.S. Eliot wrote:
But T.S. Eliot was born before the Baby Boomer Generation. You may have heard of the Baby Boomers: they are a demographic of people born between the years of 1946 and 1964. There are some 82,826,479 Baby Boomers in the world today, and just by their sheer numbers, they have taken the world by storm. They have changed the face of every social strata through which they have passed: there was no such thing as a generation gap, sexual revolution, women's lib or civil rights before the Boomers came along.
That's almost 83 BILLION people, and guess what? The first of them just turned 65 last year.
26 years after TS Eliot, a man named Dylan Thomas wrote:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Those are the words the Baby Boomers will live by.
This proud and fiercely independent generation are not known for sitting quietly and not causing a fuss. They will refuse to be banished into nursing homes and assisted living communities, never to be heard from again.
.They WILL be heard. It is my goal to record their voices, their stories, their Rage.